A collection of fun web links
No GPS required ! Using mobile phone signals only !
Published on February 14, 2004 By webfun In Home & Family
Use FollowUs to locate family, friends, or employees without the need to buy expensive tracking equipment.

All you need is a pc with an internet connection and the number of the mobile you want to locate.

Story Update on 25-Feb04

You will be notified by SMS that you have been / are being tracked.

However I have just heard that the UK emergency services (999,911,112) will now automatically track you whenever your call them from a UK mobile.

on Feb 15, 2004
on Feb 16, 2004
I am surprised that this has not been a more popular blog, or news issue. People have been fighting mobile-phone location over privacy concerns for a while now.

While I can see benefits, there are also some scary posibilities on this one.

- the stalker following his/her ex
- jealous wife/hubby tracking the movements of her/his spouse
- think doubleclick and targeted advertizing
- government snooping and illegal tracking of individuals

on Feb 17, 2004
i think the owner has to send an SMS permitting their phone to be tracked
also the owner is sent regular SMSs reminding them they are being tracked